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Privacy Policy

1. Philosophy about Personal Information Protection

Our company may ask our customers information about name, address, telephone number, E-mail address and so on when he or she uses our services.
We handle the personal information based on the following policies to ensure our customers’ personal information (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information”) is properly protected.

  1. We comply with laws related to the Personal Information protection and other related laws and regulations and properly handle it based on the generally accepted handling method. In addition, we properly make efforts to improve the handling method.
  2. We establish rules how to handle the Personal Information and ensure that every executive and employee completely knows about it.
  3. When we obtain the Personal Information, we specify the purpose of use thereof and inform or publicize it and handle the Personal Information in accordance with the purpose of use thereof.
  4. For the prevention of leakage, loss or alteration, etc. of the Personal Information, we take necessary measures and properly manage it.
  5. With regard to the personal information retained by us, we receive and respond to requests from our customers at the prescribed department regarding the disclosure, correction, deletion, suspension of use, or suspension of provision to third parties of said personal information.

2. Purpose of Use, etc.

We may obtain the Personal Information required for execution of our business due to our performing our sales business, etc. of frozen foods, processed marine products, shelf-stable foods and/or health foods to customers as general consumers.
The above-mentioned Personal Information is used for the following purposes as listed below. In addition, to smoothly perform our business, we may entrust a part of our business to a company (ies) and provide the Personal Information to it to the extent necessary for the business. In this case, we shall perform appropriate supervision as well as the conclusion of the agreement for the handling of the Personal Information between our company and the company (ies) entrusted with our business.

  1. Sales business of the frozen foods, processed marine products, shelf-stable foods and/or health foods, and the notices and promotions in regard to the merchandise.
  2. The questionnaire surveys in regard to the above-mentioned sales business and the merchandise.
  3. Responses to inquiries such as complaints.

(In addition, we automatically take log file information when he or she browses our company’s web site. This information is used for analyzing access status of our company’s website and for aggregating for the purpose of improvement of our web site. However, we do not collect information that can identify any particular individual.)

3. Disclosure and Provision to a Third-Party

We shall not disclose or provide the Personal Information to any third-party except for the provision to the company (ies) entrusted with our business prescribed in “2. Purpose of Use, etc.” and except in any of the following:
When providing personal information to third parties, we create and retain a record of provision to third parties within the scope and the period obligated by laws and regulations.

  1. if the consent of a customer itself is obtained;
  2. if disclosure or provision of information is in the form of statistical data, etc. that cannot identify any particular individual;
  3. if disclosure or provision is required based on laws and regulations;
  4. if it is required for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the customers’ consent;
  5. if cooperation is necessary when national government or local governments, etc. perform public affairs and it is likely to hinder the performance of the said affairs by obtaining the customers’ consent; or
  6. if it is jointly used with companies listed in the following paragraph 4.

4. Joint Use of Personal Information

We jointly use the Personal Information with the companies as listed below.

  1. Items of the Personal Information that are jointly used
    Name, address, telephone number and E-mail address
  2. Scope that companies jointly use the Personal Information. (Our company’s subsidiaries)
  3. Purpose of use
    Sales business of the frozen foods, processed marine products, shelf-stable foods and/or health foods, and the notices and promotions in regard to the merchandise.
    The questionnaire surveys in regard to the above-mentioned sales business and the merchandise.
    Responses to inquiries such as complaints.
  4. Person who has responsibility for the management of the Personal Information
    General Affairs Department, General Affairs and Legal Section, KYOKUYO CO., LTD.
    Sumitomo Seimei Sanno Bldg., 3-5, 3-chome, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052
    Phone 81 (3)5545-0701
    FAX 81 (3)5545-0751
    Opening hours for reception are from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm on weekdays.

5. Disclosure of Personal Information

Cookies and other similar technologies are used on certain pages of our website and other third-party websites. Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to the browser of the device (computer, smartphone, etc.) you use to access the website. These cookies allow us to recognize your device and learn information about your browsing history and use of this website.

Cookies record your browsing history on various websites, including our website, in order to make your Internet use more advantageous. Cookies are a standard Internet technology and are used by many websites to improve customer convenience, display advertisements to customers, and collect data for statistical purposes.

You can change your cookie settings to block cookies. Blocking cookies, however, may prevent you from using some website services. Please also note that you may not be able to block cookies depending on your Internet environment (browser settings, Internet connection, etc.).

6. Disclosure of Personal Information

With regard to the personal data retained by us and records of provision to third parties, we respond to requests from our customers regarding the disclosure of their own information, within a reasonable scope and period.

7. Correction and Deletion, etc. of Personal Information

With regard to the personal data retained by us, in cases where our customer requests correction, addition or deletion of their own information, after confirming that he or she who makes such request is the Individual Concerned, we shall correct, add or delete the information in a reasonable period and to a reasonable extent where there is any matter that differs from fact.

8. Suspension of Use, Deletion, and Suspension of Provision to Third Parties

With regard to the personal data retained by us, we respond to requests from our customers regarding the suspension of use, deletion, or suspension of provision to third parties of their own personal information, within a reasonable scope and period, upon confirming that the request has been made by the individual concerned.


Please note that the suspension of use, deletion, or suspension of provision to third parties of said personal information, in full or in part, may prevent us from providing you with satisfactory services. (There also may be cases where we cannot respond to requests due to related laws and regulations.)

9. Reception Method of Disclosure, etc. and Department in Charge Thereof

The requests set forth in the paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 above regarding the personal data retained by us and/or other inquiry regarding the Personal Information is to be received based on the following reception methods described below.
Please understand that we may not be able to comply with the request of disclosure, etc. other than the said reception methods.

Reception Procedures

Please visit the following department in person or apply by telephone, FAX or mail to the following address: (When visiting us in person, we would appreciate notification to us by telephone beforehand.) We notify you of details of the reception procedure when we are requested.
We reply you by delivery of a written document or other methods upon confirming that you are the Individual Concerned (or his or her agent) at the following department and the method described below.
In addition, depending on the nature of your request, you may be required to submit specific application forms.

Method of Reception and Department in Charge of Reception

General Affairs Department, General Affairs and Legal Section, KYOKUYO CO., LTD
Sumitomo Seimei Sanno Bldg., 3-5, 3-chome, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052
Phone 81 (3)5545-0701
FAX 81 (3)5545-0751
Opening hours for reception are from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm on weekdays.

Identification Confirmation or Confirmation of His or Her Agent

In case of an application from the person concerned, we shall confirm that he or she is the Individual Concerned based on the confirmation of driver’s license, passport, health insurance identification card or seal registration certificate, etc., callback to your registered telephone number retained by us, or the confirmation of your registered information retained by us such as his or her name, address and telephone number, etc.
If an application is made from his or her agent, we shall confirm that he or she is the agent of the Individual Concerned based on the confirmation of letter of attorney and seal registration certificate of the seal imprinted on the letter of attorney, or telephone call made to the Individual Concerned, etc.


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