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Food Safety and Security

Quality Assurance System

We prioritize the procurement of safe and secure food and implement quality assurance initiatives with a focus on our Quality Assurance Department.
In order to ensure the production of safe and secure products, members of our Quality Assurance Department personally visit the domestic plants that we contract to process our products to provide supervision and guidance. At overseas plants, we assign Japanese staff and local staff specializing in quality management to China, Vietnam, and Thailand, who strive to ensure product quality and sanitation management.
Local staff are periodically trained in Japan to deepen their understanding of the management required for food products bound for Japan.

Plants in Japan are divided into one of four ranks according to their manufacturing capacity, and we visit them at a predetermined frequency to conduct plant inspections and check the plant management system essential for supplying safe and secure products.
We also periodically visit overseas plants to inspect the actual production to confirm and give guidance on management systems regarding sanitation management, process management, measures for preventing the entry of foreign material, and food product protection, etc.

Kyokuyo Quality Assurance System

Basic Policy for Quality Assurance

Providing Products with Safety and Security

We give highest priority to providing safe and secure products to customers, and construct, maintain, and continuously review systems to achieve this goal.

Providing Accurate Information

We accurately convey information on our products to customers in a manner that is easy to understand.

Complying with the Law

We comply with all laws related to food, such as food sanitation law. We also comply with voluntary rules that are separately defined.

Sincere Customer Support

If an incident or complaint should occur with one of our products, we swiftly and sincerely prevent the spread of damage, investigate the cause, plan countermeasures, and report to the customer, etc.

Food Safety Initiatives

The Kyokuyo Group creates unique guidelines regarding food defense to counter crime and terrorism such as the intentional contamination of food, which has been growing in importance within the food industry in recent years.
The basis of our organizational management is to maintain an environment that enables employees to work with a recognition that they are responsible for the safety of our products, and we ensure a workplace environment that promotes communication and the sharing of information and support the labor management and education and training of our employees, in addition to standard plant facility and security.
Each plant creates rules regarding food defense based on guidelines, and promotes the strengthening of the relevant management system.

Major Categories of Kyokuyo Food Defense Guidelines
Processing Plant Inspection of a plant

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