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KYOKUYO GROUP Basic Procurement Policy

The Kyokuyo Group promotes CSR activities based on our Corporate Philosophy and Kyokuyo Group Corporate Action Charter.
We aim to achieve sustainable growth and solve societal challenges through dialogue with stakeholders, while contributing to the sustainable development of society by creating social value and economic value in our business activities that focus on ESG.
We have therefore formulated the KYOKUYO GROUP Basic Procurement Policy according to the international standard, ISO26000, for social responsibility with an approval of the Board of Directors, in order to fulfill our social responsibility through responsible procurement activities and contribute to achieving a sustainable society.

The Kyokuyo Group strives to fulfill social responsibility through responsible procurement activities to practice our corporate philosophy and contribute to achieving a sustainable society.

1.Compliance with laws and social norms

We conduct business in compliance with laws, regulations and social norms both inside and outside Japan, establish compliance system, and strive to communicate with stakeholders and actively disclose information.
We also eliminate relations with anti-social forces.

2.Respect for human rights

We respect fundamental human rights, eliminate unfair discrimination and harassment, and strive to create a workplace environment where diverse human resources can demonstrate their abilities.
We also eliminate all forms of human rights violations, such as forced labor and child labor, in which we are not complicit.

3.Safe and employee-friendly workplace environment

We strive to maintain workplace environment that ensures employees’ safety and health and prevent work-related accidents, while implementing appropriate labor management and payment of appropriate wages in compliance with labor laws and related laws and regulations.
We also provide employees with opportunities for development of their abilities and training.

4.Consideration for global environment

In addition to compliance with related laws and regulations and international conventions, we strive to reduce environmental impact and achieve circular economy through energy conservation, efficient use of natural resources and prevention of pollution. We also pursue business activities in consideration of the global environment and sustainability such as conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem and prevention of global warming.

5.Fair business practices

We conduct fair, transparent, and free competition in compliance with laws and regulations.
We also strive to prevent corruption and maintain healthy and transparent relationships with stakeholders, and respect and appropriately manage intellectual property rights.

6.Safe and reliable products and services

We establish and operate hygiene/quality control system in compliance with related laws and regulations to strive to ensure safety and quality of our products and services. We also provide accurate and appropriate information pertaining to products and services.

7.Coexistence with local communities

We strive to pursue business activities based on mutual trust and contribute to the development of local communities, respecting social custom and culture of local communities where we conduct business both in Japan and abroad.

8.Information Security

We take measures against threats on the computer network in order to prevent impact inside and outside the company.
We also manage and protect personal information and confidential information in an appropriate manner.

Kyokuyo Group Supplier Guidelines

Kyokuyo Group aims to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by fulfilling social responsibilities through “responsible procurement” activities under the “Kyokuyo Group Basic Procurement Policy”.

Since “responsible procurement” activities need to be worked throughout the supply chain, we established “Kyokuyo Group Supplier Guidelines” consisting of the following 10 items based on the “Kyokuyo Group Basic Procurement Policy.”

    ① Compliance with laws and social norms ② Respect for Human Rights ③ Safe and employee-friendly workplace environment
    ④ Consideration of the global environment ⑤ Fair business practices ⑥ Safe and reliable products and services
    ⑦ Coexistence with local communities ⑧ Information security ⑨ Deployment into supply chain ⑩ Monitoring  

We ask our suppliers to understand the thinking of the Kyokuyo Group, and we would like to work toward a realizing a sustainable supply chain through “responsible procurement” activities together with our suppliers.


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