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Sustainability (Kyokuyo Group Basic Sustainability Policy and Sustainability Organization Structure)

 As a general food company with a focus on fish, the Kyokuyo Group aims to achieve sustainable growth while solving social issues and contributing to the sustainable development of society, by creating social and economic value in our business activities based on the following five themes aligned with our Corporate Philosophy.

Kyokuyo Group Basic Sustainability Policy

1.Creation and Sharing of Value

 We solve various social issues and contribute to a healthy and happy lifestyle and culinary culture by creating and sharing value for society via the provision of safe and reliable products and services.

2.Communication with Society

 We promote active communication with various stakeholders to respond to the demands and expectations of society, fulfill our social responsibilities, and thereby contribute to the creation of a prosperous society.

3.Creating an Environment where Diverse Human Resources Can Flourish

 We strive to respect the diversity of human resources, which are the source of new value creation, and create an environment where everyone can flourish.

4.Harmony with the Environment

 We strive to conduct business activities in harmony with the environment, via efforts such as reducing environmental impact, mitigating climate change, and conserving biodiversity and ecosystems.

5.Enhancing Corporate Governance

 We strive to conduct fair business activities based on swift and highly transparent management, ensure compliance, and enhance risk management.

Sustainability Organization Structure

 Sustainability committee is chaired by President and Representative Director and consist of Director and Heads of division, department, laboratory, branch office and group companies in Kyokuyo group. The committee will promote our sustainability activities such as planning and setting targets while taking business efficiency like cost reduction and sustainability into consideration.

Organization Structure



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