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Kyokuyo Group Human Rights Policy

 The Kyokuyo Group recognizes that its business may directly or indirectly impact human rights, and has formulated the Kyokuyo Group Human Rights Policy ("this policy") to respect the human rights of all people related to our business activities and promote initiatives that respect human rights.

1.Basic Concept

 The Kyokuyo Group supports international norms regarding human rights, such as the International Bill of Human Rights and the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization (ILO), and promotes initiatives that respect human rights based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights of the United Nations.

2.Scope of Application

 This policy applies to all executives and employees of the Kyokuyo Group. We also request that business partners of the Kyokuyo Group support this policy and strive to respect human rights.

3.Human Rights Due Diligence

 In order to fulfill its responsibility for respecting human rights, the Kyokuyo Group identifies the latent and apparent human rights risks pertaining to our business activities, and builds and continuously implements a human rights due diligence system for preventing, reducing, and rectifying those risks.

4.Relief and Redress

 When the Kyokuyo Group is found to have caused or indirectly contributed to an adverse impact on human rights, such as a human rights violation, we will strive to provide relief and redress via the appropriate procedures.

5.Applicable Laws

 We comply with the rules and regulations of the countries and regions where we conduct business. If a contradiction arises between national or regional laws and internationally recognized human rights, we will pursue a method for respecting international principles of human rights.


 We provide appropriate education and training to ensure that this policy is effectively executed via the business activities of the Kyokuyo Group.

7.Dialog and Consultation

 The Kyokuyo Group holds dialog and provides consultation with stakeholders in good faith regarding our response to latent and actual impacts on human rights.

8.Disclosure of Information

 We disclose information on the initiatives for respecting human rights based on this policy on our website and in other places.


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