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Combating Climate Change / Global Warming

Support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Recommendations

Since obtaining ISO14001 certification in 2002, the Kyokuyo Group has been striving to conserve the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and effectively using resources, etc. However, in recent years, concerns about the impact of climate change caused by global warming on society and corporate activities have increased year by year, and appropriate responses to climate change-related risks have become necessary. We have expressed our support for the recommendations issued by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) in May 2022 and are disclosing information following these recommendations.


TCFD website:

We have analyzed the risks and opportunities posed by climate change to our business activities following the recommendations and considered countermeasures. Please click here for details.

Food Plants Shifting to Non-CFC Freezers (Kyokuyo Foods Co., Ltd.)

In order to help prevent global warming, HCFCs will be completely phased out in Japan by 2020 and CFC substitutes such as HFCs will be gradually regulated due to a revision to the Montreal Protocol. The Kyokuyo Group is steadily shifting to non-CFC freezers in order to meet these demands from society.
The topic is also included in the e-learning conducted for all of our group employees, not only those involved in production, in order to raise awareness on this problem that is highly relevant to the employees of a company that handles frozen food products.

Non-CFC Freezers


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