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Local Communities

Opened the Kyokuyo Happiness Nursery on-site childcare facility
(Kyokuyo Shokuhin Co., Ltd.)

We opened the Kyokuyo Happiness Nursery on-site childcare facility at the Shiogama Plant of group company Kyokuyo Shokuhin Co., Ltd. on April 1, 2019.

As part of our efforts to create a workplace that respects diversity in working styles, improves the labor environment to enable women to play an active role, and recognizes work-life balance, the Kyokuyo Group has opened an on-site childcare facility for the aim of supporting the coexistence of childrearing and work and creating a workplace environment that enables female employees to work with peace-of-mind after childbirth.

This facility is available for use not only by Kyokuyo employees, but also those that work in the neighborhood. We hope that it can help vitalize the region via communication with the local community.

The facility was certified as a "corporate-led childcare business" by the Cabinet Office as a childcare facility that contributes to the elimination of waiting children in Shiogama.

the Kyokuyo Happiness Nursery on-site childcare facility

Clean River Activities

The Kyokuyo Group conducts cleanup activities at riverside areas in order to reduce waste such as marine plastic.
It has been pointed out that waste mostly comes from land areas, and we recognize that cleanup activities at riverside areas are an effective method for preventing outflow from land to the sea.

After each competition of the Canoe Slalom Japan Cup Kyokuyo Series, held seven times a year by the Japan Canoe Federation and sponsored by Kyokuyo. Spectators, athletes, and organizers participated in Riverside Cleanup Activities to clean up around the course.
The activities have been held a total of 29 times since April 2017, and a total of 2,025 people have participated. (as 2022)

Clean river activitiesClean river activities


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