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Building a Recycling Society

Reducing Food Waste at Food Plants

Some of the products discarded or crushed in our business operations have value to be sold as recycled products.
The Kyokuyo Group strives to improve the rate of recycling discarded food at our group plant companies in order to reduce food waste.

Garbage disposal unit

Reducing Water Usage at Food Factories

Ibusuki Shokuhin Co., Ltd., a company that mainly produces lightly roasted skipjack, joined forces with our Laboratory to change the specifications of their boiling pots used to boil the raw skipjack in the production process for dried paste, and succeeded in reducing monthly water usage by 200m3.
Flowing water was previously used to send the dried paste inside the boiling pots to the conveyor heading for the next process, but this was changed to use air instead.
This reduces the cost of water usage and reduces water discharge and the corresponding environmental impact.
Eliminating the need to add water for maintaining the water flow contributes to a more stable water temperature in the tank and greatly reduces the use of boilers, which in turn reduces fuel usage and CO2 emissions.

Ibusuki Shokuhin Co., Ltd.


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