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Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement

The Kyokuyo Group contributes to solving societal challenges including SDGs via our business activities.

Stakeholder Engagement

Overview of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SDGs were incorporated in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015.
These 17 global goals for solving various challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and human rights contain 169 targets.
The SDGs request action for sustainable growth not only to national governments, but also corporations and civil society, and the United Nations positions corporations as important partners for achieving the SDGs and requests that they work towards them.


Joining the Japan Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA)

The Japan Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA) was established in January 2019 with the assistance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as a place to enable corporations to exchange information and conduct business matching, with a focus on industry, in order to solve the problem of ocean plastic by promoting the sustainable use of plastic products and the development and adoption of revolutionary substitute products that will lead to a reduction in plastic waste.

CLOMA is joined by companies from various industries and has currently established three subcommittees to launch initiatives for solving societal problems with a focus on the exchange of information.

The Kyokuyo Group recognizes that the problem of plastic ocean pollution entails grave risk and is directly related to our business.
CLOMA distributes the latest information on new materials and substitute products, and we utilize this knowledge in our business activities to provide useful feedback and work on solving problems.

CLOMA seminar

Our Pledge to the Food Systems Summit


About FSS(Food System Summit)

The FSS is a UN-sponsored summit based on the idea of UN Secretary-General António Guterres that a shift to a sustainable food system (a series of activities related to food production, processing, transportation and consumption) is essential to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In order to build a sustainable food system in Japan as a whole, the commitments submitted by private companies that support the purpose of the FSS, including our company, was compiled together with the government's commitments and submitted to the secretariat of the summit.

The pre-summit was held in Rome in July 2021 and the summit was held in New York in September 2021.

The Kyokuyo Group's Commitment


The Kyokuyo Group expresses support for FSS (Food Systems Summit) which is held to promote concrete actions for the transformation of Food Systems, for the purpose of delivering all the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Kyokuyo Group is committed to a sustainable food system, for contributing to the development of sustainable food systems, especially 【Boost nature-positive production】,【Ensure access to safe and nutritious food for all】and 【Shift to sustainable consumption patterns】.

The Kyokuyo Group's Commitment




《Commitment①》 For 【Boost nature-positive production】

The kyokuyo Group will strive to expand the handling of products with marine eco-labels such as MSC and ASC.

In order to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, the Kyokuyo Group is striving to expand the handling of seafood products with marine eco-labels of MSC and ASC.

We have been certified as a processor and distributor, and currently handle 34 species of MSC fish and 7 species of ASC fish.(As of December 2022)


Kyokuyo website

MSC website

ASC japan website



《Commitment②》For 【Ensure access to safe and nutritious food for all】 and 【Shift to sustainable consumption patterns】

The Kyokuyo Group will strive to develop and promote the sales of health-conscious "KARUSHIOH" certified products.

What is "KARUSHIOH"?

It is an initiative of the National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center to promote "a new way of thinking about salt reduction" to improve dietary habits for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

The Kyokuyo Group agrees with this purpose and is also promoting the development and sales of certified products.

《Kyokuyo's "Karushioh” certified products (As of December 2022)》

  • ”Karushioh” Coho Salmon Fillet with Flying fish Extract(←cooking example on the left)
  • ”Karushioh” Coho Salmon Fillet with Kelp Extract
  • ”Karushioh” Coho Salmon Fillet with Vegetable Stock
  • ”Karushioh” Coho Salmon Fillet grilled fish
  • 《references》

    National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center KARUSHIOH PROJECT

    Kyokuyo website


    ”Karushioh” Coho Salmon Fillet with Flying fish Extract


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