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President Makoto Inoue

Kyokuyo has worked to develop its marine products businesses since its founding in 1937.
Currently, the company offers four businesses centered around fish: marine products, freshfoods, Processed food, and logistics.

In recent years, there have been major changes in the environment surrounding seafood. Global consumption of fish and shellfish is expanding due to factors such as increased health consciousness, rising income levels in developing countries, and the advancement of transportation technologies. This has made the sustainability of marine resources increasingly important.

In light of these changes in the external environment, we at the Kyokuyo Group will expand our production and sales sites, strengthening our businesses not only domestically but also overseas, where demand for seafood is rising. We will be doing so in pursuit of a stronger Kyokuyo, and on the basis of our corporate purpose: “Contributing to people’s lives and the planet through foods with a focus on fish, for a more sustainable world.”
It is essential that we strengthen our partnerships with our various stakeholders, from customers to business partners, shareholders/investors, and employees, if we are to achieve this goal of strengthening and expanding our businesses. As a company that is trusted by society, we will actively communicate with our stakeholders through sustainability-conscious management that emphasizes the environment, society, and governance. We ask for your support and cooperation as we work together to realize a sustainable society.

Kyokuyo Co., Ltd.
Makoto Inoue


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