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Awareness/Policy of the Kyokuyo Group Regarding Occupational Health and Safety
Kyokuyo formulates a policy regarding occupational health and safety, and conducts occupational health and safety activities based on that policy. We recognize that maintaining the safety and health of every employee is the basis of corporate management, strive to maintain an environment where it is safe and easy to work, aim to eliminate workplace accidents, and maintain and improve health.
Policy on Occupational Health and Safety
- Health checks
- Holding Sanitation Committee meetings
- Company-wide sanitation management
- Training staff
Mental Health Care
We incorporate line care training in our management training as a measure to promote mental health care at the workplace. This training focuses on the obligation to consider the safety and legal responsibility of managers from the perspective of workplace accidents, reaffirms methods for relieving stress, deepens understanding regarding the significance and method for doing so, and cultivates the communication ability essential for solving problems related to mental health.
We provide training regarding mental health care and stress management for young employees.
System for Promoting Occupational Health and Safety
The Kyokuyo Group establishes a Safety & Sanitation Committee or Sanitation Committee based on the Industrial Safety and Health Act and strives to promote safety and sanitation management for the goal of workplace accident prevention and employee health management.

Creating a Comfortable Working Environment
The Kyokuyo Group believes that creating a comfortable working environment will help improve productivity, allow for efficient management, and prevent mental health issues. To do so, we are developing and implementing measures based on our Corporate Philosophy of “human respect,” as well as various systems that comply with laws and regulations.
Name | Description | |
Kurumin certification | ![]() |
July 24, 2023 |
Eruboshi (Level 2) certification | ![]() |
December 5, 2023 |
Health and Productivity Management
Kyokuyo established the Health Management Declaration in 2024 as the first step in its efforts toward health and productivity management. We will be conducting various efforts based on this declaration.
1. Health and Productivity Management Policy and Basic Approach
Health and Productivity Management Declaration
We believe that creating a working environment where each employee is comfortable and mentally and physically healthy, will help heighten work motivation and allow them to better demonstrate their abilities, ultimately leading to improved productivity and more efficient management.
We will promote health and productivity management based on our Corporate Philosophy of “human respect,” in order to create an environment where employees can devote themselves to their work in good health, good cheer, and good fun.
(1)We will actively support employees’ independent efforts to maintain and improve their own health.
(2)We will work towards early detection and prevention of diseases, and enhance our support system.
(3)We will work to create a comfortable working environment where each individual employee can fully demonstrate their abilities.
Purpose of Health and Productivity Management
Achieving Health and Productivity Management Declaration
2. Establishment of Health and Productivity Management Operational Structure
The President will serve as the Chief Health Management Officer, with the Human Resources General Manager serving as Health Promotion Officer. The Human Resources Department will serve as Secretariat under the Human Resources General Manager, working with outside experts and the Sanitation Committee at each office in order to implement various measures.